Friday, October 21, 2011

Daily life of a ancient Greek slave

Slaves were very important in ancient Greek life. Slaves cleaned, cooked and worked in fields, mines, factories and ships. They lived in a poor part of the city with the poor people. There were some things that ancient Greek slaves could not do - go to school, enter politics or use their own name. They were given a name by the citizens who owned them.

People could become slaves in many ways. For example, some were captured in battle and became slaves; some were the children of the slaves. Some children were sold into slavery by poor families, whereas some children were kidnapped.

It is believed that in Ancient Greece there were as many slaves as citizens. A lot of people had from 10-20 slaves working for them. The life as a mine worker or a ship crew was hard and dangerous. If the slaves were in the house, they could be treated pretty good it depending on what they would work on. They were almost treated as part of a family. They were even allowed to take part in family rituals.

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