Thursday, November 24, 2011

You decided.... Cesar as an ambiscius dictator

I think that Caesar was more of a dictator than a reformer. Once he got more power, he treated people in a different way than before -whit more brutality. He also kept hidden the things that did not make him look smart or intelligent. He disobeyed the orders and laws of the Senate. He weakened the Senate to get power over Rome and he started a civil war that led to the destruction of the republic and made Rome an empire. Cicero tried to convince Caesar to return the republic into the original form. He was taking advantage of his power and he was becoming greddy and then he said " I am going to rule for the rest of my life". All the rulers ruled for a short piriod of time, but he got greedy so he actully did rule until they murdered him.  He took advanege of the pepole and mostly women. In my opinion, he was mean and arrogant.

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