Alexander the Great conquered a lot of countries and cities and he was one of the most famous leaders of all times. He ruled for 13 years. He conquered Libya,Babylonia,Parthia,Macedonia,Egypt, and what made him so great was that he was young, strong and ambitious.
He was a brilliant general and spent his whole life marching from battle to battle. He also had good persuading skills and he managed to get all those people into the battle with him. He could control more than one city at a time and he adjusted easily to cultures. He appreciated culture and learned about it when he was a kid. Later in life, he was also spreading the Greek culture among his empire.
He learned from his father's experience, who also taught him battle skills and how to rule. Aristotle taught him the wisdom of life and Alexander combined what he learned from those two great people and out of this he made his own great personality.
I think that he deserves to be called Great because he ruled for 13 years only and died at the age of 33 but he managed to achieve so much in that short period of time.

He was a brilliant general and spent his whole life marching from battle to battle. He also had good persuading skills and he managed to get all those people into the battle with him. He could control more than one city at a time and he adjusted easily to cultures. He appreciated culture and learned about it when he was a kid. Later in life, he was also spreading the Greek culture among his empire.
He learned from his father's experience, who also taught him battle skills and how to rule. Aristotle taught him the wisdom of life and Alexander combined what he learned from those two great people and out of this he made his own great personality.
I think that he deserves to be called Great because he ruled for 13 years only and died at the age of 33 but he managed to achieve so much in that short period of time.