Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Biography of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great conquered a lot of countries and cities and he was one of the most famous leaders of all times. He  ruled for 13 years. He conquered Libya,Babylonia,Parthia,Macedonia,Egypt, and what made him so great was that he was young, strong and ambitious.
He was a brilliant general and spent his whole life marching from battle to battle. He also had good persuading skills and he managed to get all those people into the battle with him. He could control more than one city at a time and he adjusted easily to cultures. He appreciated culture and learned about it when he was a kid. Later in life, he was also spreading the Greek culture among his empire.
He learned from his father's experience, who also taught him battle skills and how to rule. Aristotle taught him the wisdom of life and Alexander combined what he learned from those two great people and out of this he made his own great personality.
I think that he deserves to be called Great because he ruled for 13 years only and died at the age of 33 but he managed to achieve so much in that short period of time.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Daily life of a ancient Greek slave

Slaves were very important in ancient Greek life. Slaves cleaned, cooked and worked in fields, mines, factories and ships. They lived in a poor part of the city with the poor people. There were some things that ancient Greek slaves could not do - go to school, enter politics or use their own name. They were given a name by the citizens who owned them.

People could become slaves in many ways. For example, some were captured in battle and became slaves; some were the children of the slaves. Some children were sold into slavery by poor families, whereas some children were kidnapped.

It is believed that in Ancient Greece there were as many slaves as citizens. A lot of people had from 10-20 slaves working for them. The life as a mine worker or a ship crew was hard and dangerous. If the slaves were in the house, they could be treated pretty good it depending on what they would work on. They were almost treated as part of a family. They were even allowed to take part in family rituals.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Summary of article 2

The Spartan Way

Men’s daily life

Sparta was so successful because their people did not want luxury - they were trained to become warriors since they were 7 years old. One Spartan mother said once to her son "whit your shield on it ". They had a brutal training in the day and they just knew the basics in the school. They had to show they were mature enough and endure difficult situations. Sparta had a really strong army and they conquered Messenia, which gave Sparta a bigger area to control and Sparta became increasingly concerned with military training. For more than 200 years Sparta was the most powerful city-state in ancient Greece.
Their bringing up was strict from the very beginning. If the babies looked sick they would leave them in the mountain to die. The kids were whipped for making the slightest mistake in training. While Athens boys were learning about school and life, Spartan boys were out in the battle. Spartan boys were only taught the basics of reading and writing.

Woman power

Unlike other ancient women, Spartan women were vary free to have power over a lot of things - they could own a public office or have their own property. Spartan women were more free then Athens women. For instance, in Athens girls and married woman needed to be at the house working in the house and they rarely went outside. They went outside on special occasions such as religious festivals and funerals. Spartan women could not were jewellary or perfume or nice clothes, but they could own a house hold and run their own business. Spartan men were only allowed to be soldiers, and could not run their bossiness like women.

The end of Sparta

Sparta and Athens were bitter enemies. Athens was conquered in the Peloponnesian and lost the war in the year 404 B.C. But Sparta’s dominance lasted until 371 B.C., when it was crushed by Thebes.

Bibliography on article 2

Price, Sean. "The Spartan way." The ancienworld. 2010. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

summry of article

This article talks about the Greek Olympics, why they were so famous and it also
provides the legends about them. The Olympics began in ancient Greece and were held in
honor of the gods, especially Zeus, the king of the gods.

The first records about the Olympics date back very early in Greek history and occur in
some of the writings of the earliest anonymous Greek poets. The earliest written record of
the Olympic festival concerns man named Coroebus. Coroebus apparently won a footrace
of about 200 yards (180 meters) at the Olympic festival 776 B.C.E and was rewarded
whit a wreath of olive branch.

However, the Olympic site dates back several centuries before this race. The games
were held at a sacred site in a valley in western Greece at the place called Olympia. The
Olympic Games brought together people from throughout the Greek world.

What is also interesting is that Olympic festivals were limited only to male Greek
citizens. Foreigners, women and slaves on the other hand were barred from the
competition. It wasn’t before the 128th Olympics that women were allowed to compete.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Questions on Greek values

The top 3 are Justice, Ingenuity,teamwork the 2 that showed up the most were ingenuity and justice.at least 3/4 story's in the first story Penelope and the weaving shows loyalty because he keep loyal to her husband in not getting convince by one of the suitor s and she waited until Odysseus came home and she was ingenuis because for 10 long years she trick the suitors saying i have to finish this weaving and she would take it apart every night and redo it.in the second story were Odysseus is trap by the Cyclops he and his team partners make a plan how to escape from the cave of the Cyclops so they showed ingenuity by drinking the Cyclops until he fell and when he woke up  Odysseus and he his men took a big olive branch heated on the fire and used it to blind the cyclopes. then Odysseus went under one of the sheep's of the Cyclopes and while he was feeling them whit his hand all the sheep's were there but the Cyclopes did not touch their belly.they had justice because they got to escape and go home.

There  are many ways that we can show that we still use some of the Greek values we use respect to other we even this value at ISB then we show athletics becouse we have vary good athletes and those are there values then we do use ingenuity for examples they usually say what a ingenues plan you got when somebody gives an idea of a plan to do something.we have spelling bees in the US  and jeopardy games to show some of these values.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Excerpt from The Odyssey

Excerpt A:

Penelope and the waving


2) Ingenuity

Excerpt B:

Odysseus and the Cyclopes

1) Teamwork

2) Ingenuity

3) Justice

Excerpt C:

Odysseus and Circe


2)Hospitality (fake)

Excerpt D:



3)Justice came for it

Excerpt E:


2) Ingenuity

Excerpt F: Odysseus and the Swineherd

1) Hospitality

2) Respect

3) Ingenuity

4) Intuition

Excerpt G:

1) Athleticism

2) Justice

Excerpt F:
1) Athleticism,

