Sunday, November 21, 2010

Who were the hobbitts?

 The hobbits are our ancestors that lived 12000 years ago. They are our youngest ancestors. The hobbits are as tall as a 4 year old child and they lived in the Island Flores in Indonesia. They had two names, the scientific name homo floresiensis and the common name, the hobbits. The TV gave the common name to the hobbits because they look like the small people from the book Lord of the Rings. These ancestors didn't have a chin. They had a small brain and made tools. One of the best conserved hobbits was a 30 years old woman. She didn't have a chin, she had long and flat feet and walked with the shoulders slightly shrunk forwards. Even if it seems like the hobbits are primitive creatures, they are not that old.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Why were tool-making and language important for the development of human culture?

The early humans could hunt and defend themselves. Some groups of early humans made tools specialized for different categories of work: cooking, cutting, hunting, fire making, etc. As the brain grew up, the early humans started making more complex tools.
As our brain developed, our ability to use language became more complex. We started using different methods of communication. The language made us express ourselves, talk, give information to other people. It is difficult to determine when language was first used. Language is alive and it changes constantly.

How does the use of fire demonstate prehistoric people's ability to adapt to their environment?

The prehistoric people started using fire about 250000 years ago and it has many benefits. At first the fire was scary, but early humans got used to it. They thought it was very interesting to look at lightening or volcanic eruption. The fire made prehistoric people keep warm. It scared away the animals and provided them with light. It was important for their social life. The early humans could now stay up late. The fire was used for cooking and keeping warm. Before the fire was invented the early humans ate raw meat and fire helped kill bacteria and toxins. The food also tasted better.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why did early humans begin to walk?

Hominids are people who lived 5-6 million years ago. The word "bipedal" means someone who walks on two feet. Humans are the only mammals that walk on two feet. In the video we saw I found out some theories about why did the early hominids begin to walk.
The first theory: Sociological influence on bipedals. There was an environmental change 5 million years ago that could have made the hominids stand up. Hominids lived in Africa. There were big grasslands and savannas. The hominids needed to go further and further every time to get food and it was easier to walk on two feet than on four because they wasted less energy. Also, the grass was too high and the hominids needed to stand up to see better.
According to the dietary influence theory, it was easier for the hominids to reach food from trees on two feet.
The sexual selection was important too. Standing in two feet made the male hominids more attractive. When female hominids had babies, male hominids needed to go and get food. If they walked on two feet, they could carry more things.

Ancient Mysteries: Stonehenge

The monument Stonehenge is a circle of gigantic sand stone block on Salisbury Plain in England. It was made between 3000 B.C. to 1600 B.C. in several phases. The purpose of this building is still unclear. It is a mystery because those rocks are still standing there and nobody knows for sure how they got there. There are many theories about who created Stonehenge. I read three articles that explain them.

According to the first theory Stonehenge was a place for healing. A new archeological dig will be directed by professors Timothy Darvill and Geoff Wainwright. They think that Stonehenge was a site of healing. The blue stones found there came from a very faraway place. They think that the stones must have been magical stones for the builders of Stonehenge. In addition to this, there are a lot of bones which show trauma buried in. Darvill and Wainwright think that these are the bones of pilgrims looking for healing. Stonehenge was a sanctuary with strong energy to heal.
The second theory is that Stonehenge was a UFO landing site. Believers in UFOs say that alien astronauts visited Earth and had a role in the building of Stonehenge (and other big monuments) because only they could transport such heavy stones to Salisbury Plains. Other believers in UFOs say that human builders copied the form of the alien’s space craft.
The third theory explains that Stonehenge was a place for the dead. Archaeologists say that Stonehenge was a place to put remains of the dead people. It had been a cemetery over 5000 years ago for elite people. They were surrounded by the symbols of authority. The avenue to the river has houses used by spectators of religious processions.

The most reasonable theory for me is that Stonehenge served as a cemetery for the dead because they found pieces of dead bodies. Since 3000 B.C. they buried bodies in this place. Around 240 persons were found. A burial was by the site called Bush barrow which belonged to an important chief. In my opinion this is the most reasonable theory because there is real evidence. Although in other theories real evidence was found, I believe that the cemetery is the most reasonable theory because there is more evidence than for other theories.

Owens, James. "Stonehenge was a Cementery Frst and Foremost, Study Says."
National Geographic. National Graphic News, 29 May 2008. Web. 25 Oct.
2010. .

Von Däniken, Erich. "Built - or inspired - by Aliens." National Geographic.
N.p., 25 Oct. 2010. Web. 25 Oct. 2010.

Wilson, Hugh. "The Healing Stones-a NewTheory For an Ancient Icon." proggramme stoneheng/article1shtml. N.p., Mar.
2008. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. .